Hourglass Ambeint Lighting Edit Palette | Christmas 2015 Limited Edition
I believe it was released in the last month in the US and has only recently become available here in the UK. It comes in the well known Hourglass packaging, which is very ascetically pleasing, but is a pain in the arse for mucky fingers. I think I must have cleaned my fingerprints off this around five trillion times whilst photographing it.
I have yet to give this a proper go, but do own one of their blushes already and they really are something else. Really finely milled, pigmented and lasts all day. This will be applied to my face tomorrow morning, or the first chance I get!
It contains 6 of their powders in total - 3 'strobing' powders, 2 blush shades and a bronzer. I know some people apply the ambient lighting powders all over their face, while some use them for highlighting. There is a coral/pink blush and one with more of a purple undertone, so I will have to see if that one suits my paleness. The bronzer is certainly not one to be used for contouring, but looks like a really nice colour to give some natural warmth to the face without looking like you've smacked yourself in the face with a tub of hot chocolate.
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