Makeup Revolution London Ultra Contour Palette | with Swatches |Christmas Stocking Filler
Yes, yes, yes. I know I'm late onto the scene with the whole contour thing. It's official! I am a convert! It's not about plastering it on your face, it's about creating subtle shadows to give your face a bit more definition.
Welcome in, the Ultra Contour Palette from Makeup Revolution. I, like everyone else wanted in on the Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Palette, but I just couldn't part with the £45. I am so glad I did not give in to the hype around it and went with my instinct to try something much more affordable. I have since heard that this is a very good dupe/alternative to the ABH contour kit. Great if you don't want to blow your budget.
Housed in the standard MUR black embossed with rose gold, giving a slightly nicer feel to it. It also comes with a huge mirror, covering the whole of the inside of the lid. Great for on the go.

You get 8 powders in total in this palette. 4 highlight and setting powders on the top row and contour/bronzer on the bottom. As far as I'm aware, the colours in this palette do not have shade names. You'll have to bear with me as I bumble my way through trying to describe them to you...
Top row L-R: First is a matte skin tone setting powder. Feels very silky and not cakey on the skin at all. I use this and the yellow tone matte powder next to it for setting my concealer under my eyes. If I use the yellow powder alone, this can make me appear a bit jaundice. I learnt my lesson on that one. Next is a really beautiful light highlight. I would say this isn't really brown and isn't really white either. It applies as a really natural glow/glow from within, rather than full on shimmer. As for the last powder on the top row, I would use this white/gold highlight if I wanted space satellites to pick up my cheekbones. You need a light hand when applying this and it does contain more glitter than any of the others in this palette. If applied sparingly, leaves a beautiful glow on your face.
Bottom row L-R: The first 3 powders are the ones I use for contouring and bronzer. The first one would be good for anyone who likes using a warmer, but not an orangey brown for their contour. Or someone with a darker skin tone, as this would show up more. I tend to use the second in the row, as it has more of a grey undertone, helping create the illusion of a natural shadow under my cheek etc etc. As the last bronzer is much warmer, I use this for bronzing up my face. It leaves a really nice glow to the skin, yet could still be used for contour if you prefer. There are no rules. Although you can't really tell from the swatches, the last of the bottom row is pretty much, if not exactly the same as the 3rd colour on the top row. I'm sure if you really studied it, there would maybe be a difference to the undertone. But does anyone ever look that close?...
I have used this every. single. day. I'm not even lying! It's not the most travel friendly thing I own as far as the contour/highlight procedure goes. But I have even been taking it to the gym, for when I get ready there. If you are thinking of dabbling into the world of highlighting and contouring. I 100% recommend this palette. They all blend beautifully and last just as well as any other bronzers/highlights I own. The Ultra Contour Palette from Makeup Revolution London is available here for £8.00 from their website. If you know someone who likes to dabble into makeup, this would make an amazing stocking filler. If you haven't tried it, then you really need to. You might even like it?
Thank you so much for reading lovelies.
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